Sunday, March 20, 2005

Poem: Longing

Oh friend, I want to be home…
Stuck in this foreign place
Missing all who are over there
Not knowing when is my time to go
Oh… I just want to know
Walking around so aimlessly
Just counting down each minute

Oh God, I long to be home
Placed in this land with grace
Missing all who have passed on
Not knowing when I would get to go
Oh how I long to know
Walking daily with Jesus
Just counting down each day

momoko (11.6.2004)

Being stuck in the Kansai Airport for 5 hours made me homesick quite suddenly. Sitting in the plane and watching the monitor telling me how far I am away from home was quite a strange feeling. I have always enjoyed going away and “running away from home”. But this time, I just wanted to get home. Perhaps this also prompted me to think about the parallel between us and Heaven. Although I don’t know when I will be home with God, I am sure glad I know where I am going when I pass on and who I am going to meet.

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