This is a picture of my two bears that I brought to New York during my trip to the School of Playback Theatre. They are like me and Agnes! Good pals and close like siblings!
Before I left for New York, I had a misunderstanding with my other best friend, Agnes. It was quite a horrible feeling to not feel like confiding in her during the time I was preparing for my trip to NY. But we both knew we were too far to talk about the misunderstanding... so we waited for the time that we meet in NY.
It was difficult at first... we were so cordial with each other. Yet, deep down, we both know we have a knot in our hearts. We talked about many things but not the main issue. We caught up on old gossip and left out our true feelings about this unfortunate incident. It took us almost a week after we met each other to open up and talk about it. This is how it went...
I talk... she listens...
She talks... I listen...
We talk... God listens...
No one talks... God speaks to our hearts...
Then a miracle happens... we saw what was filling up our hearts. ENVY!
Suddenly, it did not matter if we had envy or pure jealousy for whatever we griped about each other. Then I knew we have become true sisters in Christ... for we have shown our true colours to each other.
Of course, between me and Agnes... nothing is truly over till the story is told through playback theatre style. :P
I believe God gives me women friends for a very good reason. Men and women are wired very differently. My other friend, Jerry always tells me the male perspective of things. He always says, "Get over with that feeling, move on to the important stuff!". Yet as a woman, I am crying out for more understanding and ruminating about the issues surrounding the situation. At the end of the day, I run to my girl friends who would be able to support me in these ways.
But nothing prepared me for the kind of relationship I share with Agnes, it is a sisterly love that goes beyond blood ties. I have not known her for a very long time. But it takes a Christian sister to recognise another in pain, trouble or simply in need of a prayer. It also takes a Christian sister to love and forgive another who has gone off the path of righteousness. I am grateful for the Christian sisters who walk beside me each day. They teach me so much about Christian charity and the privilege of praying together as a community. They give me the grace to share my personal stories, celebrate my little triumphs and pray through my daily struggles. Perhaps this is why women are complementary in roles and personalities to men. They are so full with life, emotions and sensitivity! Only a Loving God can think of such a perfect match!
I love Agnes for God gave her to me through Playback Theatre... I always wished I had a younger sister and now I do! Although I know there will be misunderstandings... miscommunications... mistakes made some of the times, yet I have the assurance that all things happen for the good of those who loves Him. I'm going to miss her for the next 2 years... as she continues her studies in London. I hope to visit her soon :) ha!
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