Sunday, March 06, 2005


It feels good to be home. When I came back from Arizona, I was sick with a throat infection that lasted for my whole trip. I felt quite irritated since I could not even make much sounds with my scratchy throat. The whole trip was just me trying to get better each day. It made me remember of the time I almost lost my voice during my uni days. For a few days, I could not speak at all. That was the most helpless feeling I have ever felt and losing my ability to speak was a nightmare for me. I felt like... this is it! This is the end of my world... what happens if it is permanent? If I can't ever sing again. Why do I feel so powerless?

Finally, I am well again. I can speak volumes now. But do I speak with love and care? Many times I can open my mouth but end up saying the wrong things or making no sense at all. How many times do I say but not do something? How many times do I speak with fear and tentativeness in case I offend someone? How many times when I know the truth is with me and yet I keep silent because I do not believe in it enough to share it with my friend? Perhaps today as I speak to you, listen to what I have to say and not said... ask me questions if you feel that I have not said enough.

Perhaps then I will learn to let go and let the truth comes out. :)

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