Last night, I had a dream.
I dreamt about being in school again.
I dreamt about being in the graduating class.
I was given a special key by my teacher.
She told me I could put my wallet in there.
I went to check out the lockers.
They all looked alike... those lockers.
I finally found my locker.
The key kind of fits.
But when I opened it,
it was filled with comic books.
What a bonus?! Or is it?
It was filled to the brim.
I wanted to put my wallet in there.
Lost?! Where is my wallet?
I can't find it, where did I put it?
I hunted for it high and low.
Nowhere in sight?!
Did I leave it somewhere else?
There, under the table lies my wallet.
There, under the desk was my precious.
I did not lose it after all.
Somehow it was not meant to be locked up.
Perhaps that is why it got lost.
Perhaps that is why it got under the desk.
I thought for a while today. Trying to see what this dream meant to me. When my dream develops into a plot, I know my subsconscious mind is telling me something. I know the key and the wallet are significant objects. The key seems to represent an opportunity that I am given. The wallet is a manifestation of my heart. The lockers may represent the people I met in my life. It is hard for me to understand what is really going on, but it is making sense to me somehow.